North Bay Ontario

Frequently asked questions

Is there anything I should do to prepare for my visit?

Depending on the reason for your referral to our office, you will be seen initially in our clinic for a consultation or alternately at North Bay Regional Health Centre (Hospital) for a combination cystoscopy and consultation.

If you are having a cystoscopy and consultation 
Make sure you know the time you should arrive at North Bay Regional Health Centre.  
Once you arrive at the hospital, our wonderful volunteers will be happy to direct you the the cystoscopy suite on the second floor.

There is no special preparation for this test.  You do not need to fast.  

If you are having a consultation for voiding issues

While not always required, we will often perform a "uroflow" and "bladder scan" for patients having voiding issues.  These tests are ideally performed with a full bladder.  It is recommended to drink a minimum of 500cc (1/2 L) of water prior to coming to your consultation.  There is no other special preparation for this test.

During the test you will be brought into our exam room and will be asked to pass your urine, in private, through a special machine.  The nurse will then use an ultrasound machine to measure how much urine is left in your bladder.  You will not experience any pain or discomfort.  You may resume all normal activities after this test. 

What Should I bring to my consultation?

• Instructions on how to get to the office or hospital
• Your health card and personal identification 
• Any health records or test results that you've been asked to bring  
• The name of your family doctor  
• A list of all medications you're currently taking, including prescription drugs and non-prescription medications, as well as any vitamins and supplements 

How do I get a prescription refilled?

If you are an active patient in our clinic please have your pharmacist fax the request for a prescription renewal.  Please note that this can take up to 2 weeks to complete and there may be a charge associated with this service.

What If I Have an Emergency After Hours?

Please head to the nearest emergency room.  If the emergency room physician needs to contact a urologist he is able to do this after hours by contacting the on-call Urologist.  

How do I get my insurance forms filled out?

Please drop them off at our office.  Please note that this can take up to 3 weeks to complete and there may be a charge associated with this service. 

Call Us:  +1-705-995-2490

Urology North